The composition of membership of the Institute shall be classified according to the entry to the categories of members by the applicants as follows:

Ordinary Member
comprising persons:
who are the subscribers to the Constitution and the existing Members of the Institute at the date of adoption of this Constitution; or
who hold the license issued by the Commission under Section 20G of the Companies Commission of Malaysia Act 2001; or
who hold the practising certificate issued by the Registrar under Section 241 of the Companies Act 2016.

Fellow Member
comprising persons who are Ordinary Members with at least five (5) years standing of the Institute and has had ten (10) or more years of relevant company secretarial experience and in the opinion of the Council is deemed fit and proper to be a Fellow.

Honorary Member
The Council may admit and confer an Honorary Membership to any person of distinction who has rendered such invaluable service to the Institute or upon whom the Council desires to confer such distinction because of his contribution towards society, commerce, banking and industry, and may hold other qualifications.

Associate Member
comprising persons:
who hold tertiary qualifications (basic degrees or advanced diplomas) or qualifications recognised by the Institute and have not less than three (3) years' experience in company secretarial practice or other equivalent employment acceptable to the Council; or
who are members of other Professional Bodies and do not hold the practising certificate issued by the Registrar under Section 241 of the Companies Act 2016; or
who have retired as practising company secretaries or other Professional Bodies.

Graduate Member
comprising persons who have passed the examinations prescribed under Clause 46 (unless the Council shall have granted exemptions from such examinations or parts thereof in accordance with Clause 47), but without adequate experience in the corporate administration, company secretarial practice or other employment acceptable to the Council.

Student Member
comprising persons who are pursuing or intending to pursue a course of study leading to membership qualification of the Institute.